Cosmic Tree Doula Southeast Michigan

Placenta Encapsulation

Bailey Baldwin • March 28, 2024

Placenta Consumption? Tell me more!

Your body grew the placenta, a temporary endocrine organ, from scratch, This organ worked hard to create and maintain the womb to grow your baby. It provided provided nutrients, removed waste, served as a barrier from disease and chemicals, and produced the necessary hormones.

Do you know about the placenta benefits after birth?

At this time, a good amount of the information is anecdotal, meaning specific experiences of postpartum people after consumption. Also, data from other mammals gives us some insight.

Increased milk production

The journey of feeding your sweet baby can be so rewards, but can also contain challenges. A common question new mamas ask themselves is, "am I making enough milk?" Placenta consumption may help increase lactation volume and allow you to focus on bonding with you sweet babe.

Restore/Balance postpartum hormones and improve postpartum mood

The delivery of your baby sparked a major shift in hormones. Your body has transitioned from its pregnant state and moved in the "fourth" trimester. There are many reports of feeling improved emotions and decrease in depressive symptoms.

Increase energy and improve postpartum recovery

Labor is hard work! After the marathon of bring baby into the work, rest and healing is a must. The placenta is full of nutrients to aide in replenishment of what is lost. The placenta can can contain a good amount of protein and cholesterol as well as carbohydrates, fats, vitamin A, calcium, iron, sodium and selenium. The iron content in the placenta can help after the blood loss associated with birth, which can promote increased energy.

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Placentophagy's effects con mood, bonding, and fatigue: A piolet trial, part 2 (2018)

Sharon M. Young, Laura K. Gryder, Chad Cross, David Zava, David W. Kimball, Daniel C. Benyshek

Published in the Journal of Women & Birth, Volume 31, Issue 4, August 2018, Pages e258-e271

Placenta as a Lactagogon (1954)

Human Maternal Placentophagy: A Survey of Self Reported Motivation and Experiences (April 2013)

Jodi Selander 1, Allison Cantor, Sharon M Young, Daniel C Benyshek

PMID: 23445390 DOI: 10.1080/03670244.2012.719356

Nutritional composition and heavy metal content of the human placenta (2017)

Sydney Chang, Laura Lodico, Zev Williams

Published in The Official journal of the International Federation of Placenta Associations, Volume 60, Pages 100-102

By Bailey Baldwin May 3, 2024
Labor involves a cascade of hormones. These hormones, when the birthing person remains calm and feels safe, can create a smooth labor process. The birth team and environment can support this by helping the birthing person feel loved, cared for. When fear creeps in, the catecholamines work in opposition to the oxytocin. The catecholamines can come from many things like unresolved fears or concerns, a strange environment, past trauma, a change in circumstance. Also of note, when labor is induced or augmented with a synthetic form of oxytocin, like Pitocin, the body may experience an increased pain sensation. Since the Pitocin was not produced by the body, it does not cross the blood brain barrier in the same way. This affects how the body responds with endorphins, which may lead to a need for increased external pain relief. Birth is unpredictable, but the innate trust in the birthing person's abilities, the birth process and the support of the birth team can lead to incredible experiences.
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