Cosmic Tree Doula Southeast Michigan

Postpartum Planning

Bailey Baldwin • February 7, 2024

Learning about and planning for the

Postpartum Period

While you're pregnant so much time is spent on thoughts leading up to the “BIG DAY”. And there are so many unknowns when it comes to your baby’s birthday. 

  • What will labor be like?
  • How will I know when I am in labor?
  • How long will my labor last? 

But what about the after….. The experience of giving birth is so undoubtedly TRANSFORMATIONAL. This new life is brought into the world and you are tasked with the job of keeping your baby happy and healthy. There can be a steep learning curve when you are doing the work 24-7 on little sleep. 

So the question is… What can be done in advance to ease this transition into living with a newborn? 

Learning and planning for the postpartum period is so important!!! During your pregnancy you can consider how you want this time to be. Listen to experiences of other moms, find out what they wished they had had. Learn about what a healing body needs and how nourish it. Have the conversations with your partner about how the logistics of life will change and how the responsibilities will be altered. Consider important questions that you may have not thought of.
You can hire a postpartum doula to aid in all of this.

A few of my favorite resources

  • “The First Forty Days” by Heng Ou
  • “The Fourth Trimester Companion: How to Take Care of Your Body, Mind, and Family ” By Cynthia Gabriel
  • “Postpartum University Podcast” by Maranda Bower, Postpartum Nutrition Specialist 

The depiction of this time on social media can be deceiving and realistic preparations are invaluable. Things to consider

  • Who will make meals for you? Are these meals nourishing for postpartum healing? 
  • How much time will you or your partner have off of work?
  • Are you aware of local resources in your area? An in-home lactation consultant? A mental health provider that can do virtual visits?
  • How can you set up your home to be efficient for you, during healing? 
  • How will your partner assist you in meeting the demands of the baby's and your needs?
  • Who can you call when it has been a tough night to vent or to come over and give you some sleep? 

✨ A Postpartum Doula can help you in making these plans and accomplishing these tasks and more. The doula will provide individualized support on a custom schedule. She will be there for you to celebrate the joys and to listen when you need to talk about your worries. She will be a safe space to provide non judgmental care and help give you the tools to gain confidence within this new or expanded role. She will ensure you are nourished and cared for in a clean space. The doula is here to mother and nurture the mother. You need support while you are giving all you have to this tiny little human.

Cosmic Tree Doula provides postpartum services. See the services tab to learn more details and schedule a discovery call!

By Bailey Baldwin May 3, 2024
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